Friday, July 30, 2010

A delightful picture in my mind

So, I try to capture camera is usually always sitting on my counter just in case my kids do something awesome, which is alot of course :), but this time is one of those moments even I knew I couldn't take a picture; I just had to embrace the moment.

I walk into Annabella "putting Malachi down for bed." And she really was! It was bedtime and SHE wanted to be the one to put him down. She told me to move to the door and I just backed away as I watched my three year old little girl sing and pray over her little brother.

Annabella- "Okay Malachi, now Im going to sing you Jesus loves me." Then precedes to sing it, beautifully I might add. :)

Malachi--"Two songs, two songs!!!"

Annabella-- "Okay Malachi, one more song...I'm gonna sing The B-I-B-L-E." Then starts to sing but Malachi pops up his head from the pillows.. And in the most motherly voice you've ever heard she said, "Now Malachi, this is not funny" and Malachi kept giggling, she then ponted her finger and spread out her arms and again, in the most nurturing and concerned voice she added, "This is not a game Malachi, you need to lay your heard on your pillow." And then continued to sing till the end of the song.

At this point, I about lost it, I mean like I said, I didn't know weather to laugh my head off or just start bawling about my ridiculous love for my children!!!

Then Annabella ended the songs and prayed over him, "Jesus, let Malachi know you and see you, be all around Him. In Jesus Name Amen" She actually prayed other stuff I didn't hear but I think she was meaning it to be just for Malachi's little ears! :)

It was one of those blissful moments that I will just have captured in my mind forever. No picture or even video camera could quite capture the sweetness and preciousness that I witnessed tonight.

Some days I really think my life is a zoo, I cry out for grace, strength, wisdom, and patience and in God's tender mercy he replys so incredibly beautifully by saying, "Just keep on keeping on...isn't it SOOO worth it!!!!!!??"

1 comment:

Ricki said...

It is sooo worth it, Mary! You are such a great mommy and it looks like you are raising a great future mommy in Annabella! Love you!