Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A very sad day...sorta :)

Ok, so maybe I'm being a little overly dramatic. But you try to stay calm, sweet, and kind when your 2 year old decides to get angry and throw an open bottle of nail polish across the living room.Trust me....it's difficult. Not sure if I should retell the thoughts or words that went through my head as I saw bright pink nail polish being thrown all over my newly covered couch and carpets.


I can't even capture it all...*sigh*

ALL the products that google told me to try...

And them totally NOT working!!!! :(

I guess it's moments like that when you think..."okay...I could literally freak out right now..or I could just accept the fact that we probably just lost the deposit to our rental home and ruined our new piece of covered upholstery." Well at that exact second, I'm just gonna say right now, that whatever test it was, I totally failed it! haha I had a brake down...there I was a grown woman and a mother of 3 children and I was having a complete brake down...I'm talking a straight up 2 year old tantrum!! After my little "fit", Annabella said, "mommy why are you sooo upset??" It was then that I snapped out of my toddler re enactment and confessed, "Even mommy throws tantrums sometimes...I really need Jesus to help me!!" It was like all of the sudden it make sense to her and we understood each other! haha

Wow, who would have known it would have taken so much effort to forgive your toddler. I mean, in his defense, he throws everything. If he gets mad he just throws something and of course I usually just discipline him and calmly tell him not to that again; so he probably was thinking his mother had gone mad because she got sooo upset just because he threw a little bottle...*sigh*

I guess it's times like this when you really come to grips with how much nothing matters...really! I mean no matter how many times Malachi throws something or Annabella goes into a kicking a screaming panic attack, or Ezekiel climbs into the fireplace I will always love them...even like them!!! But what if the stakes get higher...what if they mess up stuff that's actually really important. What if they ruin your thousand dollar furniture, or ruin a potential job, or what if they accidentally burned down the house (or not accidentally)...you might still love them...but like them?? ...Oh Lord, we need your grace, your love, your heartbeat.....

Yes, it's times like this, after the initial shock wheres off that i realize...take my stuff, take my house, but in till the Lord decides to take them home, my children are here to stay and I will love them and LIKE them no matter what they do, no matter how much they destroy, how matter how crazzzzy they really are, or no matter how society may see them; it's MY job to show them un conditional love, to pour the love of Christ into them and let them know every single day how crazy me, their daddy, and Jesus is about them!!

Ok, so maybe I'm reading WAYY too much into this...haha..but I think it's just a small reminder that discipline is absolutely necessary and consistency is key but without UNCONDITIONAL love...it's nothing. Sound familiar?? :)


Ricki said...

I guess you could fling more pink polish all over the rest of the sofa and pretend it was there on purpose!


Ricki said...
