Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blueberry goodness

Me and some friends went out to the blueberry farm the other day and had so much fun! I mean, who knew picking blueberries with a cute little bucket would be so much fun! Although, driving there, I totally thought I was lost and any minute some creeper would jump out from the windy back roads! haha But the minute our car hit the old dirt road to the farm I felt I was in some country song...I turned up the music, rolled down my window and pretended just for a minute that I lived in some old Victorian house and I was driving to my ranch where I would be keeping my horses and vegetable garden (hahaha and I wonder where Annabella gets her imagination!)

The kids LOVED picking...Annabella was meant to live in the country...(side note: Annabella was on the phone with her Papa yesterday, my dad, and she told him, "Papa, for my birthday present I want to go to the mountains!!" Thats my girl!!!)

So here is Malachi picking blueberries?? oh wait, hes a little confused and picking the leaves instead! haha

He very quickly gets tired of that..and this is where I find him! hahaha You gotta love Malachi!!! :)

Annabella, on the other hand, is VERY enthusiastically picking every berry she can get her little hand on!!! :)

Team work!!

Where was Ezekiel during this time?? OHH yeah...just chilling in the stroller and every now and then Malachi would feed him some blueberries and he was good to go!

Now after the whole picking experience, Annabella could hardly wait to get home to make a blueberry pie! I'm talking she was going nuts, she just raved and raved about these blueberries and couldn't wait to get some warm yummy pie in her mouth....

Blueberries covered in yummy sugar and cinnamon....check!

Annabella's wonderful pinching ability for the edge of the crust (great job I might add hehe)

A little decoration for the top...

And got yourself a YUMMY pie!!! :) or so I thought...

In conclusion:
Annabella-- took ONE bite of it and spit it out and declared.."I DO NOT like blueberries!!!"...WHAT??!! You DON'T like blueberries??? NOW you tell me! hahahaha!
Malachi-- refused to even touch it...
And EVEN Ezekiel--(who will eat dirt for goodness sake) took a bite and then seconds later opened his mouth and little the blueberry bits fall from his mouth! haha

In my defense, I think it tasted awesome and am convinced my children have some taste bud defect! haha...

Long story short...I ate almost an entire pie this week; I mean, I couldn't let it go to waste! :)


Heidi said...

It takes a lot of blueberries to make a pie, huh?

Ricki said...

I have to say that pie looks absolutely scrumptious! Wish I'd had some with my morning coffee!