Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and all of it's amazingness

I love Thanksgiving..I mean, pretty much anything after October 10th (random date hehe) is fair game and amazing in my book!  :)  Once I have any excuse to eat a ridiculous amount of yummy food and decorate my house with an exorbitant amount of holiday knick knacks... and then of course there's the glorious weather (well, sometimes....Houston...yuckk).  But all in all...I love everything about this time of year.  I LOVE getting to talk to my ever so curious children about what Christmas is all about and listening to their eagerness to give to others in need!  I LOVE it all!! 

 Teaching Annabella to peel potatoes..she's gotta learn soon enough  :)

 Good job BellaBear!!!  (I helped..a little  hehe)

My favorite thing when I was a kid was to eat the raw potatoes...thankfully Annabella joined in on the tradition. hahaha

 My little helpers!!

 Making the pie crust pretty!!  :)


 The best part!!!  :)

 Can you tell she's a bit excited??!!  :)

 haha  this was too funny!  They were just sitting in front watching and waiting for it to be done!  

 Then of course, there's the brisk walks in the bitter cold (okay, so more like in the 50's..haha)

 My goofy grapes


So last but certainly NOT least...I asked the kids what they were most thankful for.  Annabella cut out of a magazine all the things she said she was thankful for this year...and let me translate what it is.  :)
She's thankful for:
Questions, toothpaste,letters (hey, never thought of that, but very handy! haha), cookies,yummy drinks,spoons,food,soap,puppets(apparently that is what she thinks the big blue guy is), pretzels, and most importantly... Jesus dying on the cross! 
Malachi said he was thankful for candy, chocolate, and prayer houses. :)  Yup, that seems about right!  :)
And Ezekiel...well I think when I asked him he said "dada"...but he pretty much says that to any question I ask him, so I don't know about that one! haha

I am so ridiculously blessed and I am continually asking the Lord to remind me of that...and no matter what circumstances comes my way...I will always be blessed, because I have Him, and that's enough.

Lord, thank you...for everything.  :)

1 comment:

The Foster Family said...

Have I told you lately that I love you guys? Because I do!