Friday, November 5, 2010


So perhaps it's because I'm insanely ADD..or possibly it's because I just don't notice much..but I think's because I just choose to be in my own world sometimes...I call it.. "Mary's land"...and when I'm there, nothing really phases me.... haha :) 

This morning, I was trying to "sleep in" (7:00 am) and when I awoke Annabella had eaten half a bag of chips in our bed and we were covered in did that happen?? 

Or when I was on the phone with a doctor and Ezekiel climbed on the counter, grabbed the cereal, ripped open the bag and tried (and failed...dont worry haha) to eat the whole bag in a far off cornor....

Or maybe earlier today when Annabella comes in while I'm cleaning the bathroom and asks, "mom, can I have a knife??" a dazed confusion...( I was obviously in "Mary's land" at that point) I was like, "what are you talking about Annabella, of course not!"  The next thing I know I see her hacking a bag of rolls open with a butter knife..I was like, "what the heck are you doing??!!!" and she calmly responded, "mom, I had to open it somehow!"  hahahaha...

I guess this is what they do in the car when I'm not looking..haha

 And of course, he totally started it!

 Yummmm  :)

 Or this is fun..lets see how far we can jump off the bed...I caught them right when Annabella had taken her leap!  haha

 I walked in to the three of them making something that looked like a tent....harmless enough......then I walk away...
 I come back....and Ezekiel's trapped in there screaming... I ask the kids whats going on and they both say,  "mama, he's in jail right now...and he cant come out for a long time!" I can honestly say I dont know how long he would have stayed in there if I hadn't showed up on the scene! haha
And this time was my favorite!!!!  It was super early and I heard nosies from the kids room...  Charlie and I continued to sleep, hoping it was nothing.  Finally i decided to go see what it was...I walk in to this!!!!!  :)  They were jumping so high they were about to bounce Ezekiel right out!! haha  I love them!!!!  :)

So maybe I'm a little scattered brained,  and maybe not the most perceptive person on the planet but it makes for a much funner, sillier, and goofier day.  

Here's to silly moments, hilarious children, and of course the wonderful escape of "Mary's land"!!!! hehe :)))))

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