Friday, November 5, 2010

Distracted...Part 2!!! this HAS to be said! 

I was freaking out all afternoon because my hall bathroom is backed up and my sister gets here tomorrow! I cleaned it, and tried to get any stuff that could be stuck in it...and then I sent Charlie to the grocery store at 9:00 at night just to get some Drano-Gel...only to be incredibly disappointed that it was STILL backed up!!!

So right when I finished posting the last blog post I ran to tell Charlie that it was still indeed clogged and we had to do something!!!  He looked at me and asked sweetly, "are you sure the drain is open babe?"  "Well of course I'm sure I replied!!" 

Well, needless to say...I walked in  and looked at that bathtub backed up with water...released the lever.......... and down went the water!!!! hahaha

Oh Jesus, help me...I'm 22 and my brain is already fried!!!!!  :)