Thursday, November 18, 2010

Teeth....every body has um! :)

So maybe it's just me, but I  don't necessarily  always remember to brush my kids teeth...I mean, first of all I have to literally chase Malachi down (I'm talking, running at full speed in circles through the house) to finally catch him and then bribe and or threat everything I can think of in order to stick that brush in his little mouth.....just for the record though, I'm a pretty good runner, so I usually catch him pretty fast!  :) 

All that to say....I was a thinking going to the dentist wouldn't be such a bad idea.  I mean, if my kid is the ripe old age of 3 and has a root canal or something........that just doesn't look good, that's all I'm saying.  haha

So off we go...the kids were ridiculously excited....I'm talking they thought we were going to stinkin Disney Land or something.  We walked in the waiting room and they shouted, "YAYY!! were at the dentist! were here!  Oh were finally here!!" I'm thinking, "Lord have mercy, people are thinking I lock these kids in a room or something and never let them see the light of day!" haha  I give them chocolate and they shrug their shoulders, but I tell them were going to the dentist and they leap with exuberance......haha....

 The big kids...and "Lamby"!  :)

 They pretty much thought they were the coolest things ever waiting like big kids...well for all of about 3 minutes....then we played Red light Green light for the remainder of the time.  :)

 After we got in...Annabella was suposed to be first, but started to have a panic attack when looking at the scary chairs; she insisted that Malachi went first.  Malachi bravely crawled up..with Lamby in tow, of course!  :)
 She finally mustered the courge to climb up after seeing that Malachi got a special good bag after he finished!

 Now Malachi was expecting a "treat" in his bag; he's always been one for candy over cars. haha  So when they put a little toy car in his bag he was very confused...

He was then convinced that this toy car was actually a chocolate car made to look like a toy in disguise.  He then preceded to eat it. haha  Not even kidding....he actually bit off the wheels and got some paint in his mouth. hahaha  After MUCH disappointment, I promised him a REAL treat when we got home! haha

All in was a successful trip.

                                      No cavities, clean teeth, pretty smiles...thank you Jesus!!!  :)

1 comment:

ramy said...

Beautiful and wonderful