Thursday, September 23, 2010

My house! :)

So..on the one hand these pictures truly don't give it justice how much and how quickly my children can destroy my house.  On the other hand, I'd like to think that it doesn't always look this way!  I'm not totally sure why I'm posting these...I guess mainly so one day I can look back and think..."Ohhh, it all makes since now...THATS why I was crazy!!!" :)

Annabella's room....after about 3-5 minutes of  "playtime"!  

Oh wow...this is a good picture!  This is GREAT to what it normally looks like! haha  BUT...what you might be missing is ALL the popcorn kernels covering the floor...apparently the lighting covers them up!  Hey, I'll live with that!  :)

Pizza.....apparently it was daddys night with the kids!  :)  And another bright picture to hide the dirt covering the floor,the jam smeared walls, and food covering the counter!  Score to bright lights!!  :)

Yup...popcorn in here too!   They literally poured out two bags of popcorn through out the whole house!  I guess they wanted to be able to come back and nibble through out the day....and that's just what they did!!

Now, don't be fooled..this is a verryy verryy mild day.  But I just figured that I would post the pictures from just a "normal day" because when i look at these someday........well, some things I just don't want to remember!!  haha  :)    


M & M said...

hah! And I was just complaining about David making another mess when I sat down to read this.

Rebekah Makhuli said...

AAAHH!! HAHA! I feel ya! I have some to post house has been un-touched for about 2 weeks...literally!!! I've just surrendered!

Ricki said...

Cleaning and scrubbing
Can wait for tomorrow,
For babies grow up,
I've learned, to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs.
Dust, go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby,
And babies don't keep.