Monday, September 27, 2010

One AMAZING mother, grandmother, GREAT grandmother and friend!!!

So we celebrated the birthday of Charlie's grandmother's 89th birthday on Saturday night, and even though shes not my grandma "technically"...she totally is!!!! :)

I have had the amazing privilege of getting to know her and soak up her godly wisdom  every time I am with her.  She is amazing in every way..and I know she would tell you that it is ALL God...which of course is true, but I can only pray that someday I will have that much Jesus in me too!!!!  Her joy and peace is truly contagious and I can't help leaving feeling like the presence of the Lord is in my back pocket when I leave!!!  :)  I guess all I'm saying is...I am sooo ridiculously blessed that I get to have her in my life!!!!  I love you Gramma Brooke!!!!

Now for some pictures of silliness on her special day

The birthday girl!!!  :)

Sneaking some pie I see!  :)

nothing like some good old fashioned fun with family!

 And there's our little Ezekiel keeping himself entertained through the celebration

 And then there's my personal favorite...Nana and Malachi tickle session!!! :)

Happy birthday Gramma!!!

1 comment:

Ricki said...

What could be more fun than tickling my adorable laughing grandchild!