Friday, September 3, 2010

A little bit of awesomeness! :)

So we went to a little boys first birthday party the other day and we had heard prior that there was going to be some "animals" there. Oh fun I thought...ponies, maybe a baby sheep to pet or something?? haha But no no, they had decided on a little different venue. Pictures are worth thousand words........

Thats right! They had a straight up BOA at their kids 1st birthday party! haha I don't know if they want their kid to be some kind of lion tamer or something, but I'm just saying...that boys parents rock! haha :)

We saw a couple of extra crazy creatures and thought the best thing to do was make a creepy face!

Annabella was rather fond of the mouse though.......not quite sure what to say about that. I guess we won't be letting her help daddy with the traps anymore. jk...maybe... :)

Creepy little lizard....not so much...haha

Malachi was all eyes on that turtle though...and I'm not talking he wanted to take him home and give him a little warm milk and pillow to sleep on either. He was totally on to that turtle! Every time that little turtle came 2 feet from Annabella, he would practically throw himself at her and yell, "NO BELLA...the turtles coming...GET away!!!!!" haha protective much?? :)

All of that to should have cooler birthday parties more often. I mean whats all this about pony rides and petting zoos anyway....totally over rated!!! hahaha Hats off to you Anne for throwing a great party....I mean, it makes us "normal" moms look pretty lame, but im okay with that! :)

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