Saturday, August 20, 2011

How is she already FIVE???!!!

Wow! Why does 5 seem so old all of a sudden?! I mean I look at her and I see a young lady!  A crazy, silly, adventures, girlie little young lady. I know that every mother must say that...I mean, it's what us young moms have heard from the beginning- "Don't waste this precious time!"  They are gonna grow up so fast!"- But somehow in the midst of sleepless nights and potty training you lose sight of all of that and are just praying that one day they will be old enough for you to actually go to the bathroom without having them there!

Well, for the most part...that day has come.  Of course she still needs me..a lot!  But she can start thinking on her own and has her own thoughts about things- actually quite scary. haha   She can play in the backyard and just come and check in every so often...she can make her own pb&j (well sorta)....she can pour her own orange juice (more or less)...and she does a pretty decent job at picking out her outfits every morning.

Here is some Annabella's favorite and not so favorite things at age 5 (right from her own mouth)  :)

Favorite song- "Um....anything I make up is my favorite."

Favorite movie- "Tinkerbell!!"

Favorite things to play- "Hmm...painting and...of course to play with my fairies too!"

Favorite food- "Sweets! Like chocolate, ice cream....really I like all the sweets in the whole world!"

Your best friends- "Leah and Ana!!"
                             Me- "Annabella, what about Malachi?!"
                              Annabella- "Mooommm...he's not my friend...he's my brother!!"   Well okay then!  :)

What do you want to be when you grow up- (without hesitation) "A PRINCESS!"

 How many kids- "10." (stated very a matter of fact. haha)

What do you think your husband is gonna do someday- "A prince of course!  Because I'm gonna be a princess so he HAS to be a prince!" hahaha

If you had ONE day to do whatever you want what would it be- "Hmm...well, that would be okay with me cause I would want to do alot! all day of course.  Then I would spend some alone time and rest a little." 

Okay now Annabella, lastly...tell me things you DON'T like at age 5
-"Umm...playing with my brothers...well sometimes.... and...I DONT like eating jelly fish because they belong in the ocean (hahha)...playing in the mud (she totally does like that haha )...doing nothing....not having anyone to play with..."  (that sounds about right)

And just for fun I asked her what she thought Mommy's favorite things were..and some were cool...others, not so much! haha  (you should try this with your kids...they are painfully honest!)
Annabella- " Mama, you like....
                   - Resting...(thats a good thing...I think..haha)
                   - hmm...reading your Bible (yayy!  She notices!)
                   - dressing up (not sure how many times she's actually seen me "dressed up" but ok...haha)
                   - umm.....snuggling with us (sure do! )"
 Me- "Anything else mommy likes?"
Annabella- {without hesitation}-"You like peace and quiet when you're on the phone and NO ONE bothering you!!" hahaha  The truth comes out!

So there ya have it!!! haha I love her so much!

Happy birthday my sweet little bundle of joy!!  May you be the beautiful, amazing, woman of God that He is so wonderfully making you out to be!  May you love Him more than anything and trust Him with everything!  May you fix your gaze on what is not seen rather than things that are seen.  May you love with His love and be filled with joy over flowing!


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