Thursday, May 5, 2011

The confessions of a mommy whos plumb out of ideas

Potty training

 So I have been putting off potty training Malachi for quite some time now.  In my defense, I really was trying. I would ask him all the time if he wanted to go potty and he would say, "no thanks mom, I wanna go pee in my diaper."  I mean, what the heck are you supposed to say to that?!  haha  The last time I tried to potty train he cried his head off like I was walking him to his death or something! And it finally ended by him peeing on the fridge, and me gasping and saying "Malachi, what are you doing??!!" And him responding, "I'm just peeing on the fridge...and I wanna pee on the ceiling too!"    Like I said...#OUTOFIDEAS

But finally I decided I needed to crack down and do some potty training boot camp.  We talked about it all week.  Oh we had all the Orange juice, hot cocoa, and apple juice a boy could ever want.  I looked up every potty training blog, book, and article.  I tried every strategy I could think of all at the same time...and the result- after 5 days of no diapers, streaking around the house daily, and consuming insane amounts of juice.........not exactly what I had hoped for.

It's like he just doesn't care. He would go pee in his pants and not even tell me.  Oh and (the following could be TMI so be forewarned! haha)  he would just poop on the floor and would grab a paper towel, pick it up, and throw it in the trash!  Who does that??!!  haha 

So after 5 days of having a timer on for every 15 minutes and singing to him and reading to him every story while he sat on the potty....the result was no all!  Nope, I think he was on strike.  He didn't go poop or pee even once.  I gotta hand it to him though, when he is determined not to do something,  he will stand by it regardless of how many gummy bears I'm dangling! haha  Surely that will be a good quality later in life!  :)

Malachi is one amazing kid and I know he will do it when he's ready....I think.  haha  I mean, he has to potty train sometime, right!? haha

At the end of the day...or the five days I should say...all I could do was throw up my hands and say "lets try again next month" :) ..and then snuggle with my poopy diaper boy and let him know that I will love him even if  I am changing diapers for the next 5 years!

Oh the things we do for love.  :)

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