Tuesday, August 17, 2010

splashing along

Charlie's Aunt and Uncle were out of town and my mom was helping with his grandmother so we can come over on Saturday and did a little swimming in their beautiful pool! :)

It was actually quite the adventure. There pool looks more like beautiful waterfalls and trees everywhere than your average backyard swimming pool. For one thing, there was this cave and there was the most enormous spider you've ever seen...ok maybe not the biggest, but definitely the creepiest! It was just hanging there staring at us just hoping that we would come in the little cave so it could jump on our head! Ohh and then apparently the mama spider had a baby spider that lived next to the steps of the pool (not a baby size, I'll tell you that) and it was a jumper! ahh...

soooo needless to say, Charlie and I stayed pretty much in one place the entire time and didn't take our eyes off of the mother, baby evil spider duo.

All that to say, we did have fun! haha We tried to teach Annabella to swim and failed miserably! haha She said, "I don't want to swim, maybe when I'm older. I'll just stay in my floaty for now!"

And heres Malachi...he's a little fish! He was soooo amazed that he could float without us holding him! crazzzyy! :)

Theres our little tribe! :)

There first chicken fight..haha..sorta! :)

He's got the floating thing down. Although he seems a little too relaxed! haha

Perfectly content in her floaty! haha :)

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