Saturday, August 28, 2010

Homeschooling...Part 2

Ok, one week down...and WAY too many in sight to count. How was it, you ask? A blend of a ton of fun, and terrible. haha

The first day...good...pretty good. The second day........................................
haha !!!! I know she loves to learn, I just don't quite get that signal when she's throwing herself on the floor refusing to pick up the pencil! haha But no worries, she got better. Praise God! :) I think her, along with all of the other perfectionists in the world just need to learn that it is not a complete failure if you can't cut out a perfect circle the very first time you try.....sigh

Malachi decided to take this week to go on strike from all naps (which is of course when I was planning on doing school) I mean, everyone who home-schools has like a billion kids or something and somehow they figure it out, right??!!! For some reason Malachi doesn't have the whole "sit in the corner and be compliant" thing down. haha He just thinks, if he's awake, by golly everybody needs to know it! Therefore, having him around and trying to do school...difficult...very difficult.

I finally thought of something he could possibly do- I just let him sit on one side of the table with a thing of scissors and a ridiculous amount of paper and just let him go at it! And besides my fear of some sort of environmentalist group hunting me down for my paper abuse, it was pretty successful! :)

Maybe it won't be so bad...I mean Annabella is only 4 so I'm just trying to see how this whole thing works anyway. So if next fall I cave and am RUNNING to take her to Kindergarten...don't judge me!!!!!! hahaha

But until l then, I think I will keep on keeping on...I mean until I go crazy, which is definitely not out of the realm of possibilities! :) So there ya have it...Malachi won't nap, Annabella won't cut circles, and Ezekiel...well we just have to keep him from sneaking off and eating the bottle of glue! haha... And me???? GRACE LORD, GRACE!!!!!!!!!!! :)))

1 comment:

dan+amy said...

Mary, I can't stop laughing! Thank you for sharing your homeschool experience with multiple little ones! Now I'll know how to pray for you. WOW. You'll be a pro by the time next year rolls around, and by the time my little guy is ready for some homeschool action I'll be looking to you for wisdom and advice! It's a win-win, right?! :) Hang in there. What a blessing to know that He gives you grace to do what He's called you too.