Monday, June 20, 2011

Last game of the season

The kids just finished their last soccer game for the season. Was it fun?  I mean...I guess you could call it that.  Annabella enjoyed it...kinda.  After about 5-7 minutes of playing she would ask to come out and feel her blankie claiming: "It's too hot and i'm stressed out!"haha.  Malachi on the other hand did pretty good at most of the practices but basically refused to play in any of the games.  He spent most of his time eating the team snacks and running around the other fields nearby with Charlie.  We can't quite yet decipher if he's just way too young or if he just could care less about soccer...I decided I might try again next spring so the boys can do it together.  As for Annabella, I think she might be sticking to what she loves for awhile- ballet.  She is also begging us to get her violin lessons, so that might be on the horizon as well.  But as far as soccer goes, we will just have to wait and see.  No future Beckham's yet, but maybe still to soon to tell!  :)

 Here's some silly, fun, and hilarious pics of their last soccer game of the season:

Annabella and her best buddy Leah rock the soccer field, but refuse to do so without being hand in hand! haha

Me and my precious Malachi snuggling while the other kids play soccer.  :)

Go Bella go!!  :)

Malachi is getting stressed because the coach asked him if he wanted to play...too much pressure. haha  :)

But when it's all said and done, let's face it...we know what this is all really the coolest thing about playing soccer---the trophies! or at least, my kids think so!  :)

And to top it all off, they had a giant bounce house and yummy snacks in celebration of their last game!

So I think all in all, I am glad we did it!  I'm not sure they actually learned much; but they got to run around, hang out with their buddy's and eat yummy snacks- I'd say that's a success!  :)

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