Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Garden update!

l Okay so last time I posted about this I was about to go on vacation and I was letting my kids put in some (almost dead) lettuce in- basically just because they kept bugging me about putting something in the ground before we left.  WELL....those half dead lettuce leaves turned into into this....

 Before we left on vacation....

 Very pitiful...we thought for sure they would be shriveled up nothings when we got back..especially because we were already planting them way too late in the season...

 And this is them now!!!!  And this is after I already have cut off a bunch of pieces for a salad!!  

**Oh and I have to take a time out and tell a little side story that is too awesome to be forgotton**
While these pictures were being taken here's a little picture of what was going on around me:
--I went out to go gather some lettuce and take some pictures when all the sudden..**Yikkkess**..a bee stings the bottom of my foot!  I know...I would have been a good idea!  Anyway, I am in pain and my foot is swelling but I'm determined to get these pictures.  My friend Wendi is over at my mom's house and sees me hobbling around so she comes down to help.  While she is helping me out all the sudden Ezekiel comes running down the lawn naked (Annabella must have opened the door for he was naked...well, that's just another mystery into Ezekiel..haha)   So I'm trying to get him to go back inside when all the sudden he starts taking a poo on the lawn!  I scream, "Hurry Wendi, quick hose him down!"  She ran and got the hose and she proceeded to hose him down and he just ran around and squealed.  haha
Story of our lives!  :)

Okay back to the garden.....  :)

 I think it's just as much fun for me as it is for the kids to watch them grow!

I know the Lord has so much to tell us through gardens and growing things-even when you think something is almost dead and not worth much- it's AMAZING to watch what HE can bring back to life!  :)

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