Thursday, March 31, 2011

What I LOVE about boys..

Overall, I am a girls girl......yes, I did my share of rolling in the mud and making wood forts; but I was ALL about those dolls.  Anything where a prince could marry a beautiful princess.  So when I turned out with two boys I was excited, but I really had NO idea what I was getting myself into.  Oh but now I with boys is the best thing in the whole wide world!  Yes I LOVE my doll carrying, tiara wearing, tutu flaunting little girl...but my boys are just as amazing in their own magical way.  I love them so much I could just burst!  They are all boy....but aren't afraid to be down right goofy!

Oh Ezekiel! He just can't help himself, he goes into Annabella's bow drawer and passes bows out for everyone in the household to wear... but somehow Malachi and him are the only ones left wearing them...  :)

I told those boys...they gotta stop wearing those cause there just so dang pretty with them on. haha

A little love

So there is a story here.  We were all running around the house (ya know, I'm making supper...Annabella's frolicking around and Ezekiel is climbing the pantry hoping not to be noticed) and I turn to see where Malachi is...and he is curled up on the kitchen floor with his "Lamby" sleeping.  Right then and there I knew I had to drop everything and snuggle with the cutest kid in the universe!!!  :)

My boys being goof balls  

And Ezekiel doing his two most favorite things
1) Throwing dirt

2)  Eating dirt.  :)

What can I say...boys are simply delightful.

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