Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's a..GIRL!

From the beginning I had a really strong feeling that we were going to have a girl (more on that another day).  But even still I had my doubts and I wanted to prepare myself for a boy.  Yes, boys are absolutely wonderful, but THREE boys... well lets just say one would definitely have to prepare oneself for that!  :)  I guess everyone else could look at our family and see there is a little too much testosterone because every time we would talk about what he/she was they would say, "Oh I hope it's a girl!!!" I then felt I had to shield the ears of my tummy and whisper sweet affirmation just in case a little boy did in fact reside there. haha :)  Annabella made her opinion very clear a few months ago when she said, "mama, if it's a boy can't we just give him up for adoption and try for another girl."  But after much discussing and explaining that the Lord knows exactly what our family needs..(although she would then butt in and say, "if God knows what we need then He would KNOW that we DO NOT need another brother!!!" haha)..but eventually she sorta came around and decided even if it was a boy she would love him too.

But as the title didn't come to that. :)  We had our ultrasound a couple of days ago and I was so nervous and giddy at the same time.  For some reason this pregnancy has felt so new and different. I guess maybe cause I had the other three so close together so sometimes it all felt like one big blur.  Don't get me wrong, I am so happy we had them close together.  Maybe not what I would have chosen initially but I am SO happy because the Lord knew even when I didn't that it would be perfect for our family!  BUT it was still very crazy at times and it was sometimes hard to enjoy the little things of babyhood and pregnancy so I feel like I am definitely able to enter in more this time around.

I looked at a baby the other day and thought, "AH! I am going to have one of those again!"  I think every pregnant mom goes through that...the day they realize that there not just sick for nothing but actually going to have a little person at the end of it! :)  I can't tell you how excited I am about bows and tutus again! Annabella of course is right there with me and insists on going shopping ASAP to search for the "cutest baby girl clothes we can find!" :)

I love this little girl SO much already!  And even though Charlie and I are still deciding on a name she is already SO real and precious in my heart! Some moms say they don't know how they could love their second as much as their first and it is always so amazing when they realize that they can infact love them BOTH equally!  I am just amazed with how the Lord has instilled in us mamas a heart that just expands with each child no matter how many you have.  It is just such a picture of how the Lord SO loves us as His children and we aren't just one in the midst of the masses.  We are HIS child!! :)

1 comment:

scruggers said...

aha i was laughing at my desk at annabelles solution- smart kid! Congrats!