Monday, March 26, 2012

Malachi got glasses!

I was shocked when Malachi's  preschool sent home a letter saying that they did a vision screening and that they recommended he see an eye doctor immediately!  As it turns out Malachi is super farsighted and needs to wear glasses all the time!  Crazy!!  When we put them on he was sooo excited!  He just kept taking them on and off and saying "things are so big!" awww!  Poor kid!  Well it's been about 3 months now since he's gotten them and after a couple times of having to search for them at the park and  the McDonald's play place, leaving them at a church a few times, and already having to take them in to get fixed....I've decided it is HARD to get a 4 year old to wear glasses and not lose, break, or leave them somewhere! haha  But he's getting more used to wearing them all the time and is able to keep better tabs on them.  :)

Malachi at the eye doctor a few months ago.  Thought he was big stuff in the super cool elevator chair!  :)

Malachi sporting his new glasses on pajama day at preschool  :)

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