Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall fun

So now that I got my new iphone4s (LOVE by the way!!) I am taking even more pictures...(I know, how can that be possible, right?!)  Well, I hated hauling around my nice camera and I lost my other one so this serves as my new anywhere/anytime camera!  :)  All of that to say, I took alot of pictures this month (or rather, in the last 2 weeks! haha)  though some of these are taken with my nicer camera..I was so pleasantly surprised with the quality of the Iphone's camera!

Ezekiel and I running errands at Staples.  He was being insane!  i don't know if you can tell, but he actually broke the cart so there was no backing anymore! The entire staff was trying to help give him things that would help calm him down!  *sigh*  Then at check out he got away from me and ran behind the counter all the way into the employee break room!  He's fast, I will give them that! :)

look at that smile?!   what a little charmer!

painting pumpkins

the first day to wear his winter coat this season!  I love me some cold weather!  I know I am totally outnumbered on that, but there's something about grey skies, cold weather, and cozy blankets that screams, "Make a toasty fire and do nothing all day long!!"  :)

Malachi and Ezekiel climbing this crazy looking thing at the park.  Malachi did the whole things all by himself!

Some pictures I took of the kids playing in the leaves in our backyard!  Cuteness!  :)

Oh the many faces of Malachi!  :)

We threw a baby shower for my dear friend Julie!  She doesn't have a name yet so the banner said, "Baby Barnes"  We started off at my house for appetizers..and then moved outside for a nice sit down dinner and then to my mom's for dessert! 

My first attempt at cake pops...definitly not like the picture I was trying to copy.. but they sure tasted yummy!!


more fall fun: painting fall trees! :)

Look at Malachi's tree?!  He even put little apples on it.  the boy is amazing at drawing/painting!

So that's a little bit about how we are spending our fall!  I know that was an insane amount of pictures but since I have NO time to scrapbook and I don't print pictures.. unless for my wall; I just have them on here to look at!  :)

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