Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Settling in

Things are finally getting back to normal around here.  There aren't boxes over flowing into every bedroom and we aren't eating frozen pizzas for every meal...finally! :)  Yes, I think I am getting used to actually having to turn my car on 5-10 minutes before we leave so we won't freeze; and I am definitely getting used to going on my back porch and waving hello to my mama! (Thank you Jesus for Grandma's!!)  Yes...I think I am going to like it here...  :)  But I will say one thing..some things haven't changed.....

 back to dressing up.... :)

 and back to huddling on the kitchen floor and eating a box of cereal  :)

Yup, it doesn't matter how many miles away we kids are still the lively, crazy, little  munchkins that they are.  :)   Malachi still is asking, "mom, when are we going back to our house? Ya know, back to Houston..." but with every day that continues even Malachi is warming up his new home.   The boys are loving all the alone time they get with mommy when Annabella goes to school in the morning; and Annabella thrives on being with other little girls who are just as girlie and imaginative as she is! 

I think the other night when we all 5 sat around our dinner table and held hands and prayed in our new hit me..I would move ANYWHERE as long as I could tow them around!  

So here's to another house, same old wonderful family!  :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Yes it is a wonderful family. And I miss seeing your smiling face every week and watching your kids walk/bounce/shuffle...into church. Looking forward to seeing all God has planned for you!