Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ezekiel: 2 looks good on you.

Maybe because it's easier to say my kids are 4,3, and 2 than 4,3, and 22 months, but I have been saying he's 2 for a little while now.  Either way it just seems like 2 is the right age for him.  He never did quite act 1, probably because he was always trying to keep up with his big brother and sister.....and I can't imagine him 3, ya know like talking and having real conversations haha.  But 2...that has always just seemed right. :) 

Ezekiel is over all the happiest kid out of the bunch, but also the most high strung and downright nuts!  I wake up to the sound of his feet jumping in his crib...it's like the second that boy opens his eyes his first inclination is to bounce.  Yes, he's our own personal Tigger.  :)

He laughs all the time and has just started this new laugh that sounds more like the laugh of the Hulk than of our sweet little Ezekiel! haha  He loves to be tickled, chased, and snuggled.   He loves playing with his big brother and sister but also LOVES to irritate them.  He wants to do everything they do, but has no patience to sit and actually build something, hence the irritation by Malachi and Annabella when Ezekiel knocks down every tower in mid way of building it.

He doesn't really talk...like at all.  haha  but Im not worried.. that boy knows what he wants whether he can actually communicate it or not.  :) All the kids just talk for him anyway.  And amazingly enough, I think they can actually understand him too!  He will mutter, " duuddyy bbyye inn thatt urrkk shdbahsbd" and Annabella will say, " Mom, he said he wants to see Daddy at work!" And Ezekiel will shriek with happiness that someone understands him! haha

That boy can put away some food too!  Just the other night he ate 2 big pieces of pizza and was crying for another...that was after many snacks.  We have to be like his bar tender when it comes to food and cut him off!   haha  What foods doesn't  he like?  I am literally racking my brain to try to think of something that boy won't eat....hmm..nothing coming to mind. haha  What does he love??  ...Bananas!  No shocker there, with his monkey tendencies and all.  :)

He is wonderful, charming, goofy, and sneaky.  He is cuddly, passionate, and downright silly.

Happy birthday to one amazing little boy!!!  I love you with all of my heart!

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