Saturday, July 9, 2011

The wasps of this life

So there is this theme that keeps following me everywhere I go...and it has to do with bees...but more specifically..wasps.

Just for the record...I hate wasps.  Maybe because they terrify me (even though I could crush one with my pinky) or maybe it's because I just think their evil little creatures that don't deserve to be able to fly around and sting whomever they please...either way...I just don't like them!

Little side story-  There was a wasp that flew in our house and I was...well,  for lack of better words...freaking out!  Annabella was on one side of the hall and I was at the other end and the wasp was in the middle of us...Annabella had to talk me off the ledge and SHE ended up having to kill it!  (And the worst mother award goes to..... haha)  All that to say....I HATE wasps!

But for some reason for the past like 2 years or more every house we live in and every where we go we have to battle some sort of wasp problem.  In our last house we couldn't let the kids go outside, like hardly ever because there was tons of wasps that lived inside our back deck.  And now the house that we are living in, every time we go outside we are greeted with a wasp trying to get inside our house.  It even happens when were out and about..... when we go to the gym it just so happens that a swarm of wasps live in the bushes that we have to walk beside to get in the door.  And so on and so forth!

So one day when we were getting in the car a swarm of yellow jackets or wasps (they are all the same to me..yuckkk) started racing around our car.  The kids were already strapped in and 3 of the wasps flew in the car.  The kids were freaking out and I didn't know what to do.  I quickly got the kids out and just prayed that the wasps would leave so we could quickly get in the car and slam the door.  Miraculously, they all just flew out and we all jumped back in the car and slammed the door.  Annabella's first thing she said was, "Mama, are they gonna follow us home?"   The weird thing was when we got home home it just so happened to be that some more lovely wasps were greeting us when we got out of our car.  We all raced in the house and shut the door.  We all sighed a big sigh of relief and I assured Annabella that we were safe now and they could not come inside.

This is when the Lord began to speaking to me.  The enemy is lurking...just waiting for an "open door" so he can swoop in and attack.   Ya see, when we were in the car and all the doors were shut the wasps were just flying around the car almost searching for any holes they could find to sneak in.  I comforted the kids by saying that there was NO way that they could get in and get us because we were in the car and it was all locked up.

Then I felt like the Lord said, "That is house is how you are to treat me.  I am your refuge."

Outside of complete dependence on the Lord we are absolutely hopeless; doomed for attack and ultimately..death.  We have no hope, no security and are just a walking prey for the enemy.

We were created to be in the presence of the Lord.  Surrounded by Him night and day, soaking Him in and dwelling with Him.  That is the only way we were meant to live... to survive. 

So back to the then remember how I said when I got home there were wasps waiting for us.  Well, on the car ride home I was kinda thinking on the revelation the Lord had just given me and I was soaking that in but it was a long car ride... so after about 10 minutes I started thinking about other things and day dreaming about this and that.  So when we got out of the car and the wasps were there the Lord had another revelation for me....

I felt like the Lord was now warning me, "Don't think you can just have a little "dose" of me and that will cut it.  The enemy is waiting to destroy you.  the second you "open that door" so to speak...he is waiting to attack.  So the Lord reminded me not to become distracted with the things of this world and to fix my eyes on Him...because when i am surrounded by Him "shutting the door" or some cases "slamming the door" of distraction and the things of this world and just fixing my gaze on that place no fear can stand.  In that place.....there's freedom.

So Lord if it takes having to be reminded every day by wasps trying to get in my house...then do it.  Because  I don't want to forget that You Oh Lord are my source of life, that You oh Lord are my source of refuge, and that You oh Lord are my freedom!!!!!!!!!!!

Only in You oh Lord can I stand.  Let me never forget that.

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