Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The kids FIRST soccer game

The kids just started soccer and I would like to say they are were naturals...but I would  be lying.  haha  On their first practice Annabella ran after the ball but didn't understand that she was actually supposed to kick it! haha  And Malachi..oh my sweet little Malachi.  haha  He spent most of his time running across the field.  We asked him where he was running to and he responded, "I saw some flowers over there and i wanted to pick them!" haha  BUT I will say, come game day...they definitely did better..sorta.  :)

 My boy getting pumped up for the big game  :)

 Annabella loads up on her last minute snacks before heading out

 Annabella looks like a pro...if we could only get her to kick the ball too..oh well, baby steps!  :)

 Annabella was VERY excited that the ball went into the goal (what she doesn't know is that she helped the other team score.  haha  shhhh!)

 And then there is Malachi...a bit confused at what this whole soccer thing is all about haha

 Maybe we should have just gone with our gut and put him into modeling! hahaha

 The proud grandparents cheering them on!

 They got kinda bored with the whole concept of "team effort" so they took a break and played with their daddy!

 Annabella decided to go back out for the last few minutes..

 I'm telling you...she stayed on that ball like a dog with the bone.  It was actually quite funny; she would go to kick it and instead of kicking she would start jumping and twirling around ( too much ballet I think?) haha  one of the parents was like, "she dancing out there?? haha "  I mean, you can't blame her...the two things she knows how to do great....jump and twirl!  :)

 It was definitely the highlight of the game when they had all the kids "line up" to slap hands.  Malachi just stood there and looked at them like they were crazy! Annabella wasn't sold either. haha

 Some of the team!  :)

 Ezekiel strapped in and watching happily (with LOTS of snacks and toys of course)

and last but certainly NOT least...this could not have been made possible without the....
"Soccer Moms"! hehe  :)

1 comment:

Ricki said...

What fun! Wish Nana and Grampa could have been there, too!