Thursday, January 6, 2011

A new year...a new season

Another ridiculously crazy year as flown by and everyone is throwing out their New Years Resolutions for 2011.  I am one of those lame people that always come up with like 20 and literally don't 2.  But this year the Lord made it pretty clear....for this season of my life there are only 3 worth keeping. 

3. I want to have a mothers heart that is full with the heart beat of Christ.  I want to lead my children in a path of righteousness and guide them to the foot of the cross.  I want to see them more and more as my own personal disciples, in which I have been entrusted to Sheppard, love, and train.  I want to do more snuggling instead of cleaning, laughing instead of arguing, and dancing instead of phone talking.  I want to catch a glimpse of who Jesus as destined them to be and pray into that continually. This year I want to walk more into my calling of what the Lord has for me.....loving Jesus as I love on 3 amazing children.

2.I want to be a more loving and understanding wife.  I want to be less selfish, less self promoting, and less prideful.  I want to serve my husband more and for him to always know how much I love him.  I want to be less dramatic  and more care free.  I want to do less "to do lists" and more movie nights. I want to go on more date nights and less home depot runs for the house.  I want to be quick to say sorry and quick to forgive.  I want to ultimately put Jesus before him so that I can truly love him the way I should.

 1. I want to love Jesus with all my heart, all my mind, all my strength.  I want to spend time with Him every day even if that means things get left un done!  Heck, even if that means everything gets left undone.  I want to fall more in love with Him daily and have His heartbeat everywhere I go.  I want to know His love and as I bask in it, continually pour that love on others and at His feet.  I want to live a life of radical obedience; choosing to die to myself daily and giving over every desire, dream, and ambition to Him.  I want to rejoice in the midst of chaos, sing in the midst of  the valleys, and dance in the midst of suffering.   I want to know Him...whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice..because He is where it all begins.

Here's to another year of  busy schedules, long nights, and dirty diapers...and the opportunity to choose JOY in the midst of it all. I know that ultimately, that if Jesus is my everything...then everything else will come into place. 

Happy 2011.  :)

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