Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Malachi is FOUR!

Some people say as their kids get older, "I can't believe this much time has gone by." But for Malachi for some reason it seems like we have been together forever!  I can't quite explain it..I guess as  Malachi has been in the heart of God since before time began, I think maybe God put Malachi into my heart way before I ever had him! So now it's strange to think I have only had him as my precious child for only 4 years!  

Oh I love him!  He is amazing in every way!  Yes, we have had our troubles, and our disagreements, and our fair share of kick down/drop out tantrums...but I can say it with all of my heart that not ONE day has gone by that my life is not brighter and more full of joy because that wonderful little boy is in it!!!

He loves to snuggle...loves to play with his brother and sister and LOVES Spiderman!  He is NOT a morning person (NOT looking forward to teenage hood for that very reason! haha)..he does NOT like getting messy when eating and he does like anyone messing with the routine of his day!  But when you look into the eyes of that precious, delightful little boy- no matter what is going on in the world- it all takes a back seat to starring into his bright blue eyes and cuddling his little cheeks off!!

I asked some questions of my big 4 year old and here were his answers:

What's your favorite movie? - "Spiderman"  (Shocker there! hehe)

Favroite food?-  "Purple mac n cheese"  (okay, before you think I'm poisoning my child with purple food dye-haha- let me qualify....the box of the mac n cheese that he eats is purple....{Annie's Mac n cheese})

Favorite song?- "The Spiderman song!  And it goes like this...(begins singing theme song)"

Why do you love?- "Lamby" (his little lamb that he takes everywhere!!!)

Why do you love lamby so much?- "because he is so nice to feel and he's so soft"  (he then has to find lamby  and feel him..haha)

Whats your favorite thing to do?- "Ride on dump trucks." (definitly never done that before...haha)

What do you want to be when you grow up?- "I want to be a dump truck!" (haha) "I also want to go to the moon...with YOU mommy!!"  (ahhh!! one of those moments that i could just squeeze his little munckin head off!!!!!!!!  I assured him that in heaven I was sure we could take a little time and go to the moon together!)

Who are your best friends?- "hmm...Annabella." Then I said..."what about Ezekiel?" and he says, "no...he's just too feisty!" haha

favorite sport?- "Skateboarding" (not sure if he's even seen a skateboard in real life, let alone ride one.. silly malachi! hehe)

So there's just a little about our amazing Malachi!

Malachi, we just LOVE watching the little man of God that you are becoming!  We love you with ALL of our hearts!!! You are amazing in every way!
                      your mom and dad  :)

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